It was an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to interview someone so pleasant, vibrant, and super fun! If you're a big Youtube junkie like I am, you may have come across quite a few of her videos. A breath of fresh air wrapped in cotton candy, lol. Yes, indeed. I had soooo many questions and things I wanted to ask but for the sake of blog liberty, I tried to stick to the more "PLEASSSE share" topics lol. Enjoy!

Peeks: Lol
gosh what an overwhelming compliment! Well as sooooon as I wake up I turn my
computer on & get to work, we will be here all day if I go through everything
I do. But the overall is, promoting the mo-am site , client web & graphic
work, modeling, and occasionally TV presenting and answering emails & so
much more!
Neosha: Before we move along, many people still ask about your
background. What is it? Tell us more about your childhood, your parents, and
your Nigerian heritage.
Peeks: My dad is Nigerian. I was born in Glasgow (mum is Scottish with ginger hair) so I
got her freckles lol. I love & cook Nigerian food to keep my booty in check
hahaha. I make pepper soup, ground rice, jollof, meat anything. My childhood was
good due to the fact I have a large family (im also a twin!) & was quite
active, I was a sports champion, did art, & was an army cadet for a while.
But we did suffer a lot of racial abuse at times as we were the only black
people where we lived and at school, but I choose to remember the good stuff.
Neosha: Where did the name “Peeks” come from?
Peeks: Well
I was actually part of a girl band named Tommi, we were tomboys, but I always
rocked a baseball cap even from when I was young, so I got the nickname
peekaboo cause I pulled the peak of the
cap looooow, but then I shortened it to peeks which I like. I've had it so long
its literally my real name now.
Neosha: You are a woman of many talents. How did you get your
start in the entertainment industry with music and modeling to now? How did
your affiliation with MO-AM come about? Also, I know of the group TOMMI very
well, lol.
Peeks: Oh
gosh! Lol yeah, I always wanted to be in a girlband that were hip hop/pop and
danced so God must have heard (thanks). My producer & now business partner
Mr X found me through a friend. Mr X was actually in a boyband called Benz. They
were amazing & I was a huge fan. Long story short, when I found out he was
putting a girlband together I couldn’t believe my luck when he chose me to be
part of it! We went to number 12 in the national charts, I shot many music
videos. After the band ended, I carried on behind the scenes and taught myself
to do graphic & web design and also started presenting as Mr X does multi
media & working in this industry I
stared to design cd covers, flyers, myspace layouts etc. When Mr X was doing
video or photoshoots I would document with a behind the scenes camera and interview
people, then did more corporate events etc. Modeling I did various shots for my
portfolo experimenting with different looks and due to Mr X's amazing photography
style I got a lot of opportunities to shoot for fashion brands like, Punky Fish, Apple Bottom Jeans, Baby Phat, Rockstedi, Pastry shoes etc. Its been
Neosha: I absolutely love your blog. How do you and the team keep up to date with so much interesting material?
Peeks: Through veeeery haaaaard work. Reading, researching, listening etc. If there is something you want to do in life you have to dive right in to make an impact. Absorb all angles. We live and breathe what we do, and do it to the best we can or there is no point.
Neosha: Do you and the Tommi girls still hang out? Is the bond still there?
Neosha: Is your current career one that you planned on or did you
think you would be on another career path?
Peeks: I don’t think I could have planned this but lucky for me each thing I have done
all works towards a common goal in the entertainment industry. They're not polar
opposites, but having said that I never wanted to be a solo artist and I use to
get really nervous doing interviews, was shy, etc. So I still cant believe I'm
interviewing celebrities, members of parliament, or doing a youtube channel, I
sit back and think wooow!
Neosha: Time for the fun stuff. Give me one thing about you that
your fans, colleagues, or blog readers might find hard to believe.
Peeks: I’m
quite shy!
Neosha: I'm nosey. So, is there a special someone in your life? I
promise I won’t tell, lol.
Peeks: There
is a very special someone, you know who you are mwah!!! ;p
Neosha: When you think of your male celebrity crush, what favorite pair of heels do you see yourself wearing on your dream date and why?
Peeks: I don’t think I ever thought about that kind of dream hahah, eeerm now that I am dreaming, I guess it would be something elegant and strappy with diamonds, or Jeffrey Campbell Kylie heels;
Neosha: What’s it like to work with brands such as Dereon,
Armani, London Fashion Week, and so forth? Have you ever gotten cold feet when
given an opportunity?
Peeks: I
haven’t gotten cold feet, I’ve gotten scared feet hahah. But that fear always
keeps me trying to do my best. Just practice & prepare as much as possible
is always my advice. Just because you're scared doesn’t mean you cant do it!
Don’t use fear as a way to always back out, as you never know what the
opportunity could lead to, who’s watching or if you’ll ever get the chance
again! Just go for it & learn.
Neosha: How do you balance
being an entrepreneurial powerhouse and still remain so humble and exciting?
What’s your secret?
Peeks: Your
so full of compliments *blushing * lol anyhoo, if you think you're too
gone then you start to slack, there’s no need to be a big head, I really don’t
see the point. The way I stay humble is I understand what it has taken for me
to get to this point. A lot of sweat, tears and sacrifice, I’ve laid the
foundations so I can truly appreciate & understand what it means to be
where I am. Also I didn’t do it alone, I have to majorly thank MR X & the team who’s been there to help
shape, guide and push me to be the person I am today. When you understand hard
work and that it takes a team effort you remain humble and grounded.
Neosha: Many ladies don’t know that you had to big chop after
going through some major hair damage. I love that you’re still in transition
and your hair looks amazing! I big chopped over a year ago and I can’t imagine
having to do it for the same reason you had to. Give those ladies who are
contemplating on going natural or needing to cut off their hair on how
transitioning has helped you and how they can still feel beautiful.
Peeks: I actually have a couple of videos on my site or youtube/moamnetwork explaining
about my big chop & why I'm transitioning. I will say that you do have to be
ready for the journey cause there are times especially at the awkward in
between stages where you feel you can't do anything to make your hair look good,
so I do say wigs, scarves & hair pieces are your friend. But do research
and keep encouraged cause its well worth it. I feel its now more versatile, I
can rock more hairstyles and men still find it attractive and so do I.
Neosha: Last tid bit, I promise, lol. Finish this explanation.
“To be a woman means to be….
Peeks: ”...a helpmeet! Genesis 1:18
Want to find out more about Peeks? Check her out!!!
LIKE- facebook/MOAM-Network
SUBSCRIBE- youtube/moamnetwork
FOLLOW- twitter/moamnetwork
Be sure to check her out. You won't regret it! :)
thank u so much hun, continue to do great work, so much personality ;p
ReplyDeletemay god bless u xx
You're more than welcome and thank you for letting me interview you! Many blessings and much prosperity to you! :)