My Amazing Face & Body Skincare!

It's been a long time coming but as I promised, here are my face and body skincare secrets. I use these products faithfully and they do indeed get the job done. Check out what I use below:

(From Left to Right)
2. Ultimate Facial Peaches & Cream Aromatherapy Moisturizer
3. Ultimate Facial Pomegranate Microdermabrasion Cream
6. Suave Advanced Therapy Moisturizer

(From Left to Right)
3. Glade Satin Care Floral Passion Shave Gel
5. Equate Baby Oil 

These products works miracles and then some for me. Amazing. Most of the products listed above can be found in your local stores or beauty supply for under $10. The Ultimate Facial kit was sent to me free but can be ordered online. IMAGE skincare products are not sold online or in stores to non-professionals but can ONLY be purchased through licensed estheticians and dermatologists in offices or salons. If you would like more information on Image product prices and how you can get your hands on the product and make purchases, please email me at For a more detailed description of what I love about the products, check out the video below. ^_^


  1. I use Biotin as well and it has even helped grow my nails. I've been using it for over a year with great results!

    1. Awesome! It's great to know that you've been getting positive results from it. I LOVE it!


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